Happy Customers


The organizers of a very successful Tag Day at Edison High School.

Student athletes and the local community raised over $15,000.

  •      - 2018 TAG Day Committee Team T-shirts

The Fighting Friars wear a variety of shirt styles on and off the field of play.

Fighting Friars

  •      - Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria VA

T-shirts distinguish kids from cops in a basketball game at Charles Barrett School in Alexandria, VA.

  •      - Middle schoolers and hometown police play basketball

Jim Hunter and his golfing buddies share an expression - the implications of which are known only to a few.

It's: "KungPOW!" : and now the colorful KungPOW logo is elegantly stitched onto a very limited edition of polo shirts, proudly displayed here (click on Happy Customers).

  •      - Jim Hunter, Head Honcho at Cub Run Builders - and Friends | Fancy Golf Shirts - Embroidered Your Way

Purple is the preferred t-shirt color at Westminster Weekday Preschool, and it has been for the many years that Miss Pam has been presenting her students with their uniquely designed t-shirts on graduation day.

  •      - Westminster Weekday Preschool | T-Shirts for Kids

Jim Hunter and his crew at Cub Run Builders - remodeling and building new homes in the Northern Virginia area since 1977.

  •      - Workwear and Corporate Identity Hooded Jackets | Embroidery and Appliqué Logo on Company Jackets

Westminster Presbyterian Church offers members t-shirts for men, women and children.

  •      - Learn more about Westminster Presbyterian Church | a large selection of t-shirt styles

Fitness Expert Lisa Reed and her client Kelly appear on WJLA's Let's Talk Live.

  •      - Learn more about Lisa Reed Fitness. | Ladies' Fitness Apparel

The logo - the expression "Extraordinary Alexandria" -- appears in print on all manner of marketing materials, including ladies' v-neck t-shirts and embroidered button down shirts for men.

Event staff members welcome guests to the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association.

  •      - Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association | Staff Apparel at a Special Event

Board Members of Living Legends. From left are: Rodger Stephens, Linda Hafer, Joe Shumard, Mary Anne Weber, Bill Kehoe and Pam St. Clair. Photo by Nina Tisara

  •      - Embroidered Golf Shirts for LLA Board Members | Not-for-profit, photo-documentary project

Our friend Anna Dahlberg stops in every few years to order a new supply of colorful aprons and t-shirts. The charming designs are adapted from cave paintings found in a bucolilc region of Sweden.

  •      - Unique Design for Printed Aprons

Northern Virginia high school basketball players compete in the NOVA Challenge, an All Star event that is also a charity fund raiser. All participants received a black t-shirt with the proud NOVA Challenge logo.

  •      - Athletic Apparel Custom-Printed for Special Event | Fairfax and Loudoun County Athletics

Another spectacular week of musical fun for kids was held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, ending in the premier performance of choral work written and directed by Casey Fitzgerald and Paul Stetsenko. As usual, the t-shirts were a hit, too.

  •      - Kids' Choir in Commemorative Music Camp T-shirts | Westminster Presbyterian

West Potomac Academy students perform in the annual dance festival "Dance Til You Drop!" wearing navy blue t-shirts printed in white and metallic silver.

  •      - T-shirts Printed for 2014 Annual Dance Festival | West Potomac Academy Dance

The staff at Don Beyer Auto looks sharp in embroidered dress shirts, available in sizes from ladies' x-small to men's XXXXL-Tall.

  •      - Professional Staff Apparel | Beyer Automotive Group

After ordering hundreds of items for the Dowden Terrace Swim Team, Alison Smith said, "We’ve been using BLT Shirt Printers for years, and they have always made ordering easy!!

  •      - Polo Shirts, Shorts, T-shirts and Hoodies for Dowden Terrace | Team Sports and Spiritwear

Stylish and comfortable basketball uniforms for girls.

  •      - Basketball team models performance fabric uniforms by A4. | Youth basketball jerseys and shorts

Lisa Eckstein, Summer Band Camp Director, said, “I was pleasantly surprised when the order was ready earlier than the date that was originally estimated!”

  •      - Green Neon T-shirts for Band Camp | Northern Virginia Community College

Multiple generations gather for the Bachtell Family Reunion.

  •      - Family Reunion T-shirts | Printed t-shirt for everyone in the family

Members of the staff of Focus Data Solutions model their logo-embroidered jackets.

  •      - Soft shell jackets embroidered with the Focus Data Solutions logo | Technology Solutions

The shirts were great! We made the statement we were hoping to, it was the perfect color for this time of year and we got so many compliments!!!

  •      - ProClose

“BLT is our favorite call, we just phone them, and sit back and wait. Crystal sends over a killer design every time. We’ve used BLT since before the flood. And we won’t be switching any time soon.”

  •      - Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe

BLT Shirt Printers offers discounts to non-profits like Alexandria's homeless shelter. Carpenter's Shelter raises operating revenue through events like the annual Cook-Off where attendees sample the delicacies of local restaurants.

  •      - Carpenter's Shelter

The art team at BLT Shirt Printers helps design t-shirts - a different theme each year - for Westminster's youth music program called "Music and More". Kids perform to the delight of a full sanctuary on the last day of "M&M Week."

  •      - Westminster Presbyterian Church

Boxes of t-shirts delivered to the First Baptist Church of Alexandria

  •      - T-shirts inspire participation in RTA event

"We got what we needed at a reasonable price and with VERY personal attention to detail. The design team came up with fabulous work and an amazing turnaround time." - Catherine, Alexandria Singers

  •      - The DC Metro Area's Premier Pops Chorus | Alexandria Singers

Since Dogtopia was launched in 2002, it has grown to 25 locations nationwide. Jeff Lutton, owner of the top-performing Dogtopia franchise, in Alexandria Virginia, outfits his cheerful, dog-loving staff in practical and fashionable heathered moss zipper-hooded sweatshirts, expertly embroidered by BLT Shirt Printers.

  •      - Dogtopia | Jeff Lutton and Staff

International House of Pancakes sponsors a fundraising event in February to benefit the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Seven IHOPS in Virginia and Maryland participate in what was formerly called National Pancake Day. Five years ago, when a young lady related to the Ashburn VA IHOP Manager was diagnosed with Leukemia, the effort came close to home, and the event was renamed Pancakes for Ashley. BLT Shirt Printers provides the bright red T-shirts for Pancakes for Ashley.

  •      - IHOP Serves Pancakes for Leukemia | International House of Pancakes

Visitors at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, SC, gather on graduation day. Marine Mom Beth Posey, far left, brought red nylon sport sacks printed with the eagle, globe and anchor logo. The bags were filled with goodies and presented as gifts to new Marines.

  •      - Parris Island, SC

Pink Ladies Polos, embroidered to commemorate Group Therapy Productions' performance of Steel Magnolias.

  •      - Cast and Crew of Steel Magnolias, Performed Oct 2012

Branded performance apparel plays a major role for Brian Wright who uses it to market his fitness training services. “BLT keeps my logo on file in several formats: for hats, shirts, sweats and other specialty items.”

  •      - Brian Wright

Lisa Reed promotes the benefits of fitness on TV with branded apparel and other promotional products. “It’s a pleasure to work with the fun folks at BLT!” Shop her online store for LRF branded apparel.

  •      - Shop Lisa Reed Fitness | More About Lisa Reed

Apprentice Program participants at the Alexandria Seaport Foundation wear distinctive forest green t-shirts. “Our logo in bright white ink really pops!”

  •      - Alexandria Seaport Foundation

“Dark green t-shirts and embroidered hats were provided by BLT Shir Printers for participants in the Alexandria Seaport Foundation's apprecticeship program. Volunteers teach young people how to build and use wooden boats, providing them with a unique educational, social and recreational experience.

  •      - Boat builders at the Alexandria Seaport Foundation

Members of Alexandria band Feel Free, model the unique design of promotional t-shirts and tanks. “It was great working with BLT.”

  •      - Feel Free

Jones Family Reunion t-shirts keep the memories alive. “We loved the colors you guys picked out - a different sherbet color for each branch of the Jones family. Thanks for your help with the design.”

  •      - Jones Family Reunion

Wear a Wildlife Alliance t-shirt to express your concern for animals and the environment.

  •      - Wildlife Alliance

Paisano’s Restaurant managers order black t-shirts printed red, green and white and hats with matching embroidery for their kitchen staff.

  •      - Paisano's Restaurant

“My restaurant has new bright-colored graphics on the walls. So I needed a new t-shirt uniform for my servers. BLT made the t-shirt design match the mural. Everybody likes the lime and tangerine colored shirts.”

  •      - Soony, Owner | Neramitra Thai Restaurant, Crystal City

“During every school term, the kids and I come up with some saying or theme that cracks us up so much that we have to get it printed on t-shirts (from no one other t-shirt printed besides BLT!) . We all wear our shirts on the last day and take a picture. I’ve run into college kids who tell me they still have the crazy t-shirt I gave them in preschool!”

  •      - “Miss Pam” Beard | Westminster Preschool

Everybody got a t-shirt at Stephanie's surprise birthday party. BLT Shirt Printers designed pink shirts with flowers and script lettering for women and girls. The men and boys at the party wore "Stephanie Fan" t-shirts.

  •      - Stephanie's Birthday Party

“Branding is important in any business - especially the restaurant business. We use BLT Shirt Printers for all our shirt printing and embroidery needs. The level of their professionalism is second to none and their customer service is superb.”

  •      - Bill Blackburn | Pork Barrell PPB Restaurant

“We’ve been very pleased with the service and the quality of the products we get from BLT Shirt Printers. Whether you have a business or work for a non-profit, I encourage you to contact BLT for printed shirts and other promotional products.”

  •      - John Porter, Executive Director | ACT for Alexandria

“We’ve been working with BLT since we started our business, fifteen years ago. They helped us develop our logo! They always take the time to help us nd the right shirts, aprons and bags to suit our unique requirements.”

  •      - Merced Bermudez, Co-Owner | Maid to Clean

"We’ve used BLT Shirt Printers for our annual walkathon t-shirts for over 20 years and have always been happy with them."

  •      - Ken Naser, Executive Director | ALIVE!

“The t-shirts we got at BLT SHIRT PRINTERS were a huge success! Thanks to everyone on your staff.”

  •      - Mount Vernon Community School PTA

Our jerseys look great and you guys are so much fun. Thanks so much!

  •      - Johnny Bunter | Fairfax Royals

Flattering team t-shirts made the SpouseBuzz.com event come to life!

  •      - www.militaryspouse.com | Military.com